
I'm Aditya

A programmer Web Developer

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I am a Third Year Computer Science Student, ML enthusiast and web developer.

My Skills.

Competative Coder

Extensive knowledge in c/c++, python languages, Data Structures and OOPS concepts. 5 ★ in Data Structures and Algorithms on HackerRank, 3 ★(Div-2) on CodeChef.

Machine Learning

I am very fimiliar with regression and classsification algorithms. Did a 2-year course on Maths for Machine Learning, Data Science, Machine Intelligence and Computer Vision.

Web Development

Still learning full stack development. Worked on multiple websites utilising React Js and Fast API technologies

Get In Touch

Open for freelance work or internship.

If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or leave feedback, then get in touch.

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